Sunday, July 15, 2007

Beautiful VIBGYOR

V were sitting in the pantry on a lazy workin day to refresh ourselves with a cup of hot coffee or tea as the day was half over. Our pantry being up on the tarrace, has glass on 2 sides, giving us the view of the beauty outside. Most evenings during sunset time there are beautiful hues of pinks oranges blues and grays which is most often more refreshing than the tea/coffee that the vending machine vomits out into r cups. Often v try r photography skills on these.Well, just last week v had a special sight der just for us... It was a gray cloudy day. The sun just about peeping very few times and for hardly few seconds. The sight that blew us over was as below...The clouds were racing around the wide open sky, aware that the sun was right behind... In this running around de just decided to play ring-a-ring-a-roses formin a circle. They got the sun to join in and encircled him. This suddenly brought round a bright swaying light around where v sat.. capcturing our attention.. Thanks to the weather, the moisture and the sun rays formed a vibrant rainbow on the clouds. V hence had the circular rainbow with the sun in the center of it. Wat a beautiul sight .. v were compelled to leave whatever it was v were discussing n having to fall pray to this beautiful sight that v were blessed to encounter... N before even we could think of clicking a picture in our handy cell cams the clouds went back to playing helter skelter and the beautiful sight was cleared within a second. But the memory remains.... The picture stuck in r heads n hearts for a long time to cum... Later googling on it I realized I didnt even know that a phenomenon as a "Circular Rainbow" exists. Having experianced it just idlying around in the pantry makes it even more exciting. May v live to experiance more and more chamatkar that mother nature has to offer....


Manjari Rai said...

Sometimes playing the memory back in your mind is reward enough...
Cheers to that enchanting sight!

Sid said...

Yup.. a Biggi Cheers from me as well... wow man!

Ohh this blog reminded me that moment refreshing moment.. thanks preeti...

Slogan Murugan said...

blog more often please!

Tarun Chandel said...

Hi got to your blog from Manjari's and can't believe that someone can write better than her. Beautiful post.